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Migrating herd of wild Asian elephants in SW China's Yunnan takes a break
Live: Wild Asian elephants continue their journey in SW China, where are they now?
Migrating elephant herd continues journey through Yunnan Province
Migrating elephant herd continues journey in Yunnan
GLOBALink | China's migrating elephant herd continue journey
WHY ELEPHANTS GO NORTH: Giants continue headline-grabbing migration through Yunnan Province
The migrating Asian elephants continue to travel south in Yunnan, China. | 遷徙的亞洲象繼續在中國雲南南行。
Elephants on a mission: Unique insight into adventurous herd in SW China
The migrating Asian elephants continue to circuitously move northeast in Yunnan | 遷徙的亞洲象繼續在雲南向東北迂迴遷徙
Timeline: Trail of migrating elephants in SW China
Drone Footage Captures Fun-filled Journey of Migrating Elephant Herd in Yunnan
GLOBALink | An Unusual Journey: China's Wild Elephants